Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Memorial - Celebrating the Life of Kalpna Mistry (Thursday, Oct. 16, 2008)

Invitation from the Students of Berkeley High...

Dear Community,

Many, many students have worked hard to plan a fitting memorial for our beloved teacher, Kalpna Mistry. We would like to invite all members of the community to the memorial service, which will be held on October 16th in the large theater at BHS at 6pm.

Berkeley High School
2223 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Berkeley, CA 94704

Please join us in sharing memories of Kalpna's incredible life and
spirit. There will be a potluck of foods from around the world, please feel to contribute a favorite dish from your culture of origin or preference. If you would like to speak or in someway share a memory of Kalpna, please let us know so we can adjust the program. In addition to the service, students will make a mosaic table commemorating Kalpna, to be donated to the school. There will be blank tiles at the memorial so that everyone can contribute a few words or memory.

If you would like to assist with the details of the event, or plan to
contribute a food dish, please contact Kimberley D'Adamo-Muanga at kdadamo@berkeley.k12.ca.us

If you would like to assist with carpentry or mosiac/tiling skills to
support the building of the table, please contact Richard Conn at

Kimberley Noel D'Adamo-Muanga

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.
And we are never, ever the same...

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